Nearly New Uniform | Parents | King Edward's School, Bath

Start Your Adventure

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All of our forthcoming Nearly New Uniform Sales can now be viewed via our School Calendar (SOCS), to ensure that they remain up-to-date and available to all.


To view the Nearly New sale dates, please open the SOCS calendar using the link above and follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the 'Filter Calendar' link on the right-hand side, just above the calendar
  2. Now untick the 'Select All' box in the very top left hand corner
  3. In Schools > Tick 'Select All' - This selects the Pre-Prep, Junior and Senior Schools
  4. In Categories > Tick 'KES Nearly New Uniform Sales'
  5. Select 'Close Filters'

You will now be able to click through the weeks/months to see when the next Nearly New Sale will be taking place.



About us

The nearly new uniform shop is run by a team of parents with sales of nearly new uniform and games kit being held throughout the year. The sales include all current uniform requirements for the Pre-Prep, Junior and Senior Schools, with the full range being sold in most sizes. Most years during the winter months, selected sales also include excellent quality adult and children's ski wear.
You can donate or sell items through KES Nearly New. If you choose to sell your item, KES Parents will arrange for you to receive 50% of the sale price once sold (refunded to your school account), with the remaining 50% being contributed to the KES Parents' funds.  This money is then allocated to projects that help provide those very special 'extras' for pupils across all three schools. Donated items are gratefully received and 100% of such sales are contributed towards the KES Parents' fund.

Nearly New Uniform The shop relies on the generosity of parent volunteers to manage and run the sales, with parents giving just two hours of their time when they can. In return you will meet other parents, enjoy the friendly chat and banter and drink as much tea and coffee as you like!

More information is included below, but if you have any further questions about the sales, or would like to volunteer, simply turn up at one of the sales or email Justine and the rest of the Nearly New team.

Term-time Opening Hours will be communicated by email, and also on the school and KES Parents Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds.  The published calendar found at the top of this page is also regularly updated.



We are particularly short of the following items:

  • KES tracksuit bottoms aged 14+
  • KES rugby shirts sized 36" and above
  • KES hoodies aged 14+
  • Adidas KES sports kit, any size

Donations of KES uniform can only be accepted when the store is open.  Clothes should be in good, clean condition: essentially, if you would be happy to buy it yourself in the condition in which you donate it, we will be happy to sell it!

Details about how to label your clothes for sale can be found further below or if you wish to donate items, (a big thank you), we’ll sort out the labels for you.

The Nearly New Shop has taken more than ever this year – thanks to you. Please keep supporting us both with your children’s outgrown clothes and your custom. The contribution to the Parents’ Committee Fund is significant, which has helped to fund some amazing projects within the School community.

Thank you.


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I buy…?

Full school uniform:
Blazers, kilts, pinafores, jumpers, cardigans, sweatshirts, summer dresses, polo shirts, sun hats, DT aprons, and Pre-Prep joggers.

Full games kit for PE, Rugby, Netball, Football, Swimming, Hockey, Tennis
Rugby and football boots, trainers, astro boots, games socks, tracksuit bottoms, joggers, hoodies, shin pads, cricket bats, pads and spikes, hockey sticks and tennis racquets. (Please note that cricket kit is only available March – October).

All uniform sold is current and in good, clean condition. Items are generally half the John Moore Sports retail price, if not less. Please note all items are sold as seen.

What can I sell?

The shop is grateful to receive all items of current uniform in good, clean condition. You can bring items to the shop during opening times.

Please attach a paper (not card please as very difficult to pin!) label (minimum size 6 x 6cm) to each item you wish to sell detailing the following:

  • Your name (parent not pupil)
  • One of the following, in order of preference:
  • Your KES account number, or
  • Your email address, or
  • Your mobile phone number, or
  • Your address including post code
  • The item's name ie KES Blazer
  • The item's size

If you are able to add your personal details to the labels before you print them it would be very much appreciated; people’s handwriting can be tricky to read and every single sold item ticket must be manually entered onto the school’s database.

Please use safety pins to attach the labels rather than dress pins or sellotape. We have plenty you can use if needed.

If you are able to print off your own labels, please download the Word document template below.  We recommend you add your personal details before printing, to save you the trouble of writing them in repeatedly:

Download Template
Items will be priced using the shop's standardised pricing system (half the John Moore Sports retail price at time of sale) with 50% of the proceeds of items sold rather donated credited to your fee account on the next available fee invoice.  The remaining 50% will go towards the KES Parents' annual fund.

Please note that if an item is considered unsaleable (badly marked, stained, ripped or frayed), it may not be accepted, or will be removed from the rail if spotted later, and recycled.  If an item has not sold in four years, it will be removed from sale and, where possible donated to a charity or cloth bank. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to notify everyone if their item has been removed from sale.