Pastoral Care & Wellbeing | Senior School | King Edward's School, Bath

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King Edward’s is a happy and successful school, with the social and emotional wellbeing of pupils central to all that we do. We get to know our pupils well and build open and trusting relationships so that the children who arrive in Year 7 can flourish in all areas of school life and develop into confident, thoughtful and engaging young adults. We value tolerance and kindness and work hard to develop resilience and independence.

The pastoral life of the School is led by the Deputy Head (Pastoral) and the Heads of Sector, who direct the work of the Heads of Year/Senior Tutors and the Form Tutors. The Form Tutor is the key person who oversees the progress and development of our pupils. They listen, encourage, support and work closely with experienced Heads of Year or Senior Tutors (Sixth Form) to ensure that no child slips through the net and that each pupil receives the support and guidance that they need. Sixth Form Prefects play a key role in supporting the work of the pastoral team, both formally and informally. 
Our community is inclusive and welcoming, and our pastoral care is proactive and not simply reactive when things go wrong. At King Edward’s, we expect children to learn from their mistakes and to work with us to move on.

Our support network also includes a confidential and free listening and counselling service as well as an excellent Health & Wellbeing Centre.





Peer Mentoring

peer mentoring at King Edward's School, Bath a leading independent co-educational school in south west EnglandThe mentoring programme aims to create links across the year groups and to foster a sense of community at King Edward’s.

Many connections are made between pupils across the different sections of the Senior School and we also establish links between pupils in the Senior School and the Junior School. We understand that pupils often feel more able to chat freely with those of a similar age.

All Year 12 pupils have a Year 7 buddy whom they meet regularly throughout the academic year. Mentors offer a listening ear, and there are benefits for both parties in considering situations from another perspective. Mentors meet mentees in form time, often connecting whilst playing a game or going for a walk. These meetings are often a highlight of the week for both sets of pupils!

Other Senior School pupils work closely with children from our Junior School, whether listening to them read or enjoying doing Maths puzzles and problems with a selection of Year 6 pupils.

Parental Seminars

Parental Seminar at KES BathWe recognise the importance of working closely with our parents to ensure that our pupils receive the support and guidance they need both in school and at home.

We seek to equip our parents with insights and information on how they can best support their children by providing pastoral talks throughout the year that cover a range of areas such as vaping, anxiety, staying safe at festivals and digital wellbeing.

These talks are delivered by members of our pastoral team and organisations such as It Happens and I Can & I Am.



Pupil Wellbeing


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