Headmaster's Welcome | About | King Edward's School, Bath | A co-educational independent day school for 3-18 ears, in south west England

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I would like to welcome you most warmly to the website of King Edward’s, Bath’s oldest school. Founded in 1552, KES has held a special place in this wonderful city for well over four and a half centuries and is now firmly established as one of the leading schools in the south-west of England.

Martin Boden, Head of KES Bath, a private co-educational school for 3-18 years, in south west england, welcomes visitors to the schoolAs the city’s former grammar school, KES has a very healthy tradition of nurturing academic excellence and ambition, reflected these days in the School’s consistently outstanding results.

Our pupils are bright, inquisitive and aspirational, but they also have their feet firmly on the ground and understand that individual excellence shines most brightly in the service of the collective team effort.

The ethos of the School is one that encourages all pupils to play as hard as they work and to make the most of all the wonderful opportunities here, both in and out of the classroom, that enable them to grow and thrive within a supportive and caring framework.

We set the bar high, but we also give our pupils all the tools that they need to reach those ambitious standards. We aim to foster talent in all its forms and to open doors to enquiry and discovery. Independent-mindedness and creative spirit are strong suits, but so too is the sense of community that seeks to respect and value all its members.

As a family of three schools, the Pre-Prep, Junior and Senior sections of King Edward's offer an inspiring and supportive environment for children age 3 to 18. Some join us just for the Sixth Form; many stay for their entire school career. All pupils are encouraged to be the best they can be and all are nurtured along the pathway to leading happy, fulfilled and successful lives at school and beyond.

There is so much more that I could tell you about King Edward’s – its history, traditions and values as well as the wonderfully engaging people who make the School the very special place that it is today – but it is far better, of course, for you to see and feel this for yourselves at first hand. Whilst I am sure that you will enjoy browsing the pages of our website and gaining insights into life at KES, I do hope that you will also come and visit in person; you can be assured of a very warm welcome.

Martin J Boden,