Charity Fundraising This Summer | News | King Edward's School, Bath

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Charity Fundraising This Summer


What a busy half term this has been for KES Charities.

We had a parachute jump, a sponsored walk, cake and doughnut sales, a non-uniform day, a book launch, craft stalls, a Foodbank collection, and a plant sale.

Raising £3,900 this half term alone, takes the total amount raised this academic year to an impressive £18,530.

We couldn’t have done this without your support and are truly grateful to the school community for undertaking, or supporting the charitable work we undertake in the School’s name. The work that we do on behalf of our charities goes a long way in making a difference to the lives of many.

Charity Fundraising This SummerThe long-term fundraising that Moving Mountains receives from King Edward’s School enables the trustees to plan consistently and with confidence in the future.

From a charity point of view in today’s uncertain world, with the cost-of-living crisis affecting people in Nepal and Kenya as much as at home here, there really can be nothing more impactful to us than being secure in the knowledge of continued support so that we can carry on funding the programmes we run abroad.

It’s a very simple equation; without donations we can’t pay salaries for teachers and counsellors, and we can’t feed children or provide for their education. 

Gavin Bates, Moving Mountains Trust