KES Bath 2024 University Destinations

Start Your Adventure

 2024 KES LEavers on course for the UK's leading universities


As many universities start back this weekend our recent leavers and gap year students are heading to some of the UK’s leading universities, with over 90% securing places at their first choice Higher Education institution.

Over 50% of students are taking up places at the UK’s top 20 universities* with 70% heading to Russell Group universities. Six individuals secured their places at Oxford and Cambridge, and two students will be attending Brown and Tufts Universities in the US.  Significantly, 15 former pupils are set to study Medicine after all KES applicants were successful in gaining places on these highly sought-after courses.

This year also sees the widest range of different institutions accepting KES pupils.  Among the most popular university destinations are Exeter, Manchester, Leeds, UCL, Bristol, Edinburgh and King’s College London.  Other notable university destinations include Imperial College London, St Andrews, LSE, Durham, Southampton, Warwick, Birmingham, York and Wiltshire College (for those taking up Art Foundation places).

Matching the broad range of destinations are the aspirations of our former students, who are set to study a diverse range of subjects including: Engineering, Film Studies, History, French, Computer Science, Geography, Art & Design, Environmental Sciences, Criminology, Physics & Astrophysics, English, Music, Esports, Natural Sciences and Economics.

You can view the 2024 destinations in full on our website here.

Mr Alex Smith, the Deputy Head (Academic) commented:

"We are delighted that our Year 13 cohort has again achieved so highly in obtaining places to a variety of prestigious institutions. The sheer range of courses speaks to the fact that KES remains the place where you can succeed to the highest level in whatever field that interests you. The staff have worked tirelessly in the individual support they have provided the students but credit most go to this outstanding year group who throughout the years at KES have grown into kind, caring and compassionate young people. We hope to see them return over the coming years to further inspire the next generation here.”

The HE & UCAS programme here at KES is already well underway for the new Year 13 cohort in supporting their ambitions and guiding them through their own HE applications; a UCAS day earlier this week saw Old Edwardians returning to School to provide valuable first-hand experience of different university courses and destinations. Throughout the Autumn Term, the UCAS team provide a range of services to ensure that students make timely, well thought-through and appropriate applications. Specialist guidance is given to applicants likely to face admissions tests and interviews, such as those applying to Oxbridge or to study Medicine and Law, and our overseas advisor guides pupils through the complexities of non-British applications.

Working alongside the School’s UCAS programme is our Careers team who offer bespoke careers advice to Sixth Formers as the latter consider degree options and pathways including Apprenticeships or Degree Apprenticeships.  Throughout Sixth Form, pupils have access to a range of subject specific careers events and speakers, plus a biennial Careers Fair.  In Year 12, the majority of pupils undertake work experience to help inform future choices.

You can find out more about the HE, UCAS and Careers programmes at KES by clicking here.


*Complete University Guide 2025;