Support Us | King Edward's School, Bath

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We are proud of our long history of philanthropy at King Edward’s School. In 1552, King Edward VI granted a charter to establish a new grammar school and provide an excellent education to local children, as well as those from less affluent families from within the city.

Driven by our values of always looking out for and supporting others, this strong sense of social responsibility continues to guide us to this day. However, unlike many independent schools, King Edward's does not have a historic endowment, so we look to the generosity of our community to further our charitable objectives. 

Charitable donations help us to provide a first-class education to young people, regardless of their financial circumstances, as well as creating an exceptional learning and pastoral environment at our School. 

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There are several ways which you can support the School, which are listed below. If you would like further information, please email Alison Heyes, Development Director at 

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We believe that education has the power to transform lives. The School’s long-term vision is that our Bursary Programme will ultimately be able to provide the necessary financial support so that any pupil offered a place at the Senior School can attend the School, regardless of their family’s financial circumstances.

However, despite offering more means-tested bursary support than many other independent schools, we still have many more families applying than we can afford to fund.

All donations, of any size, will make a meaningful difference.

Dr John Wroughton of King Edward's School, Bath, a leading independent school for 3-18yrs in south west England

Dr John Wroughton, former Headmaster at KES, benefited from a free grammar school education and as such was often involved in fundraising activities at school and was passionate about providing others with life-changing opportunities. He was a huge supporter of the KES Bursary Programme, including through his establishment of the annual Wroughton Lecture programme.

To commemorate the impact that John had on school life, we have set up the Wroughton Bursary Fund in his memory to award transformational bursaries to those young people most in need to enable them to attend the School.


Donating online is a quick and straightforward way to support the School, and you have the option of making a one-off or regular donation. Alternatively, you can donate by cheque, or bank transfer – details are on the donation form. Please make cheques payable to King Edward’s School, Bath. 

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The gift of a lifetime.

Did you know that leaving a gift of 1% in your Will to King Edward's School will have a life-changing impact for years to come and will leave 99% for your family to inherit?

Leaving a gift in your Will, whether large or small – after you have provided for family and friends – can have a life-changing impact. It is one of the most personal and significant ways you can help our School and support the future of KES and generations of talented young people.

It can also help you to reduce your inheritance tax: a gift to charity is free from inheritance tax and if you leave more than 10% of your entire estate to charity then the total amount of inheritance tax you pay reduces from 40% to 36%.

Currently, our priority is to grow the School’s means-tested Bursary Programme to enable more young people, regardless of their family’s financial circumstances, to receive the opportunity of a KES education. However, legacy gifts can also be directed to other areas of benefit, such as towards our ambitious plans for the enhancement of the School’s estate and facilities.


Should you choose to support King Edward's School in your Will, your solicitor will need our details to ensure we receive your gift.

King Edward's School, Bath, registered charity number 1115875, Development & Alumni Relations Office, King Edward's School, North Road, Bath, BA2 6HU

If you are able to let us know that you are leaving a gift in your Will to KES, you can fill out this legacy pledge form and return to us. We assure you that this does not commit you in any way, and all discussions will be treated confidentially. It also allows us to thank you for your support and invite you to our legacy social events. 

If you have any questions about leaving a legacy to KES, please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office via email or call 01225 464313

If you are an executor or solicitor acting on behalf of an individual, please contact us so that we can help to carry out the intentions specified.

For more general information about leaving a gift in your Will to charity, please visit the Remember a Charity website.

Frequently Asked Questions

is King Edward's School a registered charity?

King Edward's School, Bath is a registered charity, number 1115875. The registered address is King Edward’s School, North Road, Bath, BA2 6HU.

how can I INCREAse THE IMPACT OF my GIFT through gift aid?  

If you are a UK taxpayer and complete a Gift Aid declaration, we can reclaim an additional 25p in every £1, making your gift worth even more at no extra cost to you. Higher rate taxpayers can also claim additional relief on their charitable donations.

You can complete a Gift Aid Form here or you can download and print out a donation form and return it to the Development & Alumni Relations Office, King Edward’s School, North Road, Bath, BA2 6HU.


how can i donate from overseas?

The easiest way to support us from overseas is to donate quickly and securely online.

Giving from the USA

Donors in the USA can give tax efficiently through the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF), a charitable organisation supporting educational opportunities through tax-effective giving in the US. The BSUF is recognised by the United States Internal Revenue Service which allows donors to claim 100% charitable deduction on donations for US income tax purposes. As an approved institution, donors must select King Edward's School, Bath as their preferred institution when making a donation. To donate via cheque, please complete and enclose a Donor Transmittal form with your donation. 

You can donate online via BSUF here. A 3% fee is charged for this service. 


Our promise is to treat all our donors with the highest level of care and respect. Our donors are valued members of our community, and we aim to make the experience of donating to the School as rewarding as possible. KES is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and all our fundraising activities are carried out in accordance with the Code of Fundraising Practice.

You can read more about our Donor Charter and what you can expect from us by clicking here.



Development and Alumni Relations Office
King Edward’s School 
North Road
Bath BA2 6HU
Email | 01225 464313



All data is held in accordance with the School’s Privacy Notice, which is available on our Reports & Policies webpage.

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