Careers Guidance | Sixth Form | King Edward's School, Bath

Start Your Adventure

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For A Level, further specialisation and greater focus on personal interest and academic strengths come into play as you look to your education and potential careers after life in the Sixth Form. We offer careers guidance and testing to support these fundamental choices and then UCAS and Higher Education guidance as you look to make the move to your chosen degree subject from the A Levels you will complete in Year 13.

Pupils and parents receive advice from our experienced Head of Higher Education & UCAS and our Careers Education co-ordinator, as well as from tutors and subject teachers.

In Sixth Form, this advice begins with various presentations from both internal and external speakers early in Year 12 and continues throughout the two years of sixth form. Some pupils decide to take a gap year and use it to travel or gain valuable work experience.

All Year 12 pupils are provided with guidance on both UCAS and apprenticeships (including degree apprenticeships), from the beginning of their Sixth Form journey. Pupils can join Careers Mentoring programmes throughout Year 12, which allow them access to top-rated members of their selected profession. At the end of the Summer Term, all pupils are supported and encouraged to find relevant work experience placements, many of which are with exciting and innovative employers that can open doors.


KES Careers



Careers forms a fundamental part of Sixth Form life at KES. Our aim is to help pupils to become the most successful and informed versions of themselves, before they leave KES. 

We have dedicated pathways for many careers such as Medicine, Law and Engineering and offer opportunities for our pupils to meet with current industry professionals and speak to them about the realities of life in their chosen profession. In Year 12, all our pupils are expected to undertake work experience and we provide ample support for them to do this. 

Over the past two years, we have sent pupils to law and dispute resolution companies, top finance firms, biotechnology laboratories and many others. The feedback from both pupils and employers is overwhelmingly positive. 

Throughout Sixth Form, pupils also have access to a range of Careers-based events, including topflight keynote speakers, conferences and Careers Fairs. Pupils also receive information and assistance about a wide range of Post-18 options, including Degree Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships and work.  




King Edward’s School featured as a  finalist in the 2023 Independent Schools of the Year Awards, for its Student Careers Programme.

The Independent Schools of the Year 2023 is an awards programme organised by the Independent School Parent magazine. The awards, which attract entries from schools across the country, are designed to celebrate outstanding best practice and success stories. Award winners will be announced in October.  KES has previously won this award in the Performing Arts category.




We follow a spiralling curriculum for Careers in Sixth Form, allowing our Year 13 pupils to build on knowledge and success in Year 12. Initially, Year 12 pupils receive an introductory session on the importance of work experience and the different Post-18 options. They are given the opportunity to sign up to different 'streams' early in Year 12, which will allow them to speak directly with members of their chosen profession in a series of dedicated events.

Year 12 also receive considerable support to ensure that they undertake at least one work experience placement during the year (however, this may be considerably more). By the beginning of Year 13, our pupils should be in a strong position to make whatever next steps they choose and we continue to support them through this (including Degree Apprenticeship, Apprenticeship or work applications) during Year 13 and beyond.

Both Years 12 and 13 are strongly encouraged to attend Careers events throughout the year, including keynote speakers, Careers Fair (held biannually) and more subject-specific events. KES Careers liaises closely with both the Head of UCAS and Higher Education and other Heads of Departments to ensure that all our Sixth Form pupils feel supported and informed throughout their time at KES. 

KES Careers



The Higher Education & UCAS department provide a range of services to make sure you make a timely, well thought-through and appropriate application.

We will cover the basics of how to research your higher education choices and navigate you through the relevant application procedures to make sure you get the offers you need to succeed. We will prepare you to write your best personal statement and will produce a reference to make you proud! Around 90% of our applicants go to their first choice of university.

Some of our pupils apply for a place at Cambridge or Oxford. We have specialist guidance to help prepare each applicant, which included admissions tests and interview preparation. We will also arrange a mock interview to maximise your chance of success.

For those who want to train in the medical profession, our medical specialist will help you approach the process with all available knowledge. Meanwhile, our overseas advisor will guide those seeking foreign climes through the complexities of non-British applications.

For some of our pupils, the end of A Levels is not immediately the start of the next chapter. We consider all recent leavers as ‘Year 14’ and provide the same level of support and assistance as we do for current pupils.


Careers Guidance


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