The Sixth Form at King Edward's School Bath

Start Your Adventure



Visitors to KES often ask what to expect when you join KES in the Sixth Form, or how it compares to lower down the School, so we caught up with Mr Benedict, Head of Sixth Form, to find out more.


"The Sixth Form is the most exciting culmination of your school life: it is the liminal space between childhood and adulthood, and a time when KES nurtures its young people to be ready for their next adventure. 

 "Our Sixth Form is a place where students have agency and autonomy – whether it is the range of passions they choose to pursue, or the diverse subjects they choose to study – as well as a time of new friendships, new freedoms, and new experiences. 

"But the Sixth Form is more than its academic performance. It is a space of safety and support, of risk-taking and challenge, of failure and resilience. We prepare young people to be equipped for the unknowable world they will inherit in terms of emotional regulation and life skills, of critical thinking and tech utility. 

"You cannot navigate the world with any aptitude without a bit of knowledge, a dose of difficulty, and a lot of hard work, and so a rich and thriving Sixth Form experience prepares young people with compassion and aspiration. 

"The world our students will encounter is changing at an inexorable rate and so the young people who leave KES will need to be flexible and nimble thinkers, with myriad skills and diverse portfolios, critical faculties and a global conscience, a sense of humour and a sense of purpose. But always, always, with that sense of adventure." 

To find out more about the Sixth Form experience at KES, visit our Sixth Form website, with news on academic life, opportunities beyond the classroom and onward destinations.


Mr Luke Benedict, Head of Sixth Form