Spotlight on the Peer Mentoring Programme at KES | News | King Edward's School, Bath | Private School in South West England

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Spotlight on the Peer Mentoring Programme at KES


The Peer Mentoring Programme at KES aims to forge connections across year groups and to foster a sense of community at King Edward’s. We also understand that pupils often feel more able to chat freely with those of a similar age.

The scope of the programme extends across our Senior and Junior Schools.  All Year 12 pupils have a Year 7 buddy whom they meet regularly throughout the academic year. Mentors offer a listening ear, and there are benefits for both parties in considering situations from another’s perspective. Mentors meet mentees in form time, often connecting whilst playing a game or going for a walk.  These meetings are often a highlight of the week for both sets of pupils.

In the Junior School nearly one third of our children have been fortunate enough to secure a mentor from the Senior School this year. Pupils are carefully matched with one another to take into consideration an individual’s needs, character and passions. The Junior School mentees are either selected or have asked for a mentor for a variety of reasons. Some simply benefit from the companionship and enjoy the chance to chat to another, older child, whilst others may have a particular worry, friendship issue, or separation anxiety from a parent in the morning.

Pupils working in class at KES Bath, a private school in South West England

Throughout the year, each mentee and mentor meet weekly. During this time, they can share stories, read books, play a game, create craft projects, or just simply talk about a latest interest, their families, or friendships. Mentors form a strong and trusted bond with their mentee. Junior School children look up to their mentor and always highly anticipate their arrival each week. Senior School mentors volunteer for the role and are supported in their mentorship with careful preparation time, learning how to deal with different situations.

All pupils take their commitment to mentoring seriously and our Senior School pupils quickly build a relationship with their young mentee and understand the importance of these weekly meetings. In a new programme innovation, we hope that current Year 6 children will continue meeting with their mentor as they move to the Senior School in September, thereby helping with the transition to secondary school.

Within the Junior School we also have Maths mentors, who work closely with very able children in Year 6 ahead of the UKMT maths challenges in the Autumn and Spring terms.